We work with the best service providers in the ESOP industry
Our firm has a team of professionals focused on ESOP companies and ESOP transactions. We have closed ESOP deals in a wide array of industries, including construction, government contracts, engineering, insurance brokerage, retail food services, banking, and technology.
We have extensive experience representing both closely-held and publicly-traded companies, independent fiduciaries, trustees and lenders.
We know the ESOP industry well. We work with the best service providers in the ESOP industry, including trustees, investment bankers, corporate appraisers, consultants and other law firms.
We bring a creative, yet practical approach to structuring transactions and finding solutions. Our track record demonstrates that we are lawyers who efficiently and effectively get ESOP transactions closed.
And we don't stop there! Once the ESOP transaction is complete, we continue to work with our clients to ensure that the ESOP runs smoothly, meets all legal requirements and is well received by employees.